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  • My University Course Outline For B.Cs

    Thursday, July 14, 2011

    This is my university course outline, share yours with me
    Must take this course during first sem
    Introduction to Computer Organization
    Discrete Mathematics
    Elements of Programming
    Calculus I
    Database Systems I
    Object Oriented Programming
    System Analysis and Design
    Financial Accounting Fundamentals

    Cs major
    Web programming Fundamentals
    Elementary Statistics
    Data Structures and Algorithms
    Web Programming
    Computer Networking
    Digital Systems Fundamentals
    IT Security I
    Calculus II
    Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
    Principles of Artificial Intelligence
    Operating Systems
    Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
    Software Engineering
    Algorithms Analysis and Design
    Technical Writing and Soft Skills
    Theory of Automata
    Project Management in IT
    Human Computer Interaction
    Industrial Attachment
    Final Year Project

    Network and System Administration
    Advanced Networks
    Wireless Communication and Network
    Network Programming

    Artificial Neural Networks
    Fuzzy Logic
    Genetic Algorithm
    AI Programming
    Expert Systems
    Advanced AI

    Advanced Operating Systems
    Embedded Systems
    Compiler Design

    Software Quality Assurance
    Software Metrics and Models
    Requirements Engineering
    Software Testing

    IT Security II
    Computer Forensic

    Future..What Will You Offer For Me?

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

         I have just read the over the top book from zig ziglar .. he said that your future are your decision .. And it is you who drive your life. So where do you want to drive yours . Honestly sometimes I felt blind, i don't know what the future will be for my life., but it doesn't stop me from working as hard as i can . Now I'm a computer science undergrad, who still yet don't know a lot of things about computer...haha of course because i'm still a half year student..not even a first year yet .

        Now i'm already learning the c++ which supposed to be teach during the next semester. I hope this will give me a head start during the start of the class.  

        But what bother me is this, i try to study more than other students in order to achieve more .. It's not achieving more in the term of grades. But in term of knowledge, i want to have more knowledge than other student usually have, but it is a hard goal to achieve because the world of computer is so vast .. and so changed so fast , you late your get left behind!

         I study because of this interest inside of me and also a lot of curiosity.There still a lot of things i don't know about computer, so i want to know about it, So from now on, i will write about my progress of learning and achievement in this blog, I don't know what my future will look like, but I don't care whether it is good or bad,  but what i wrote today will be the starting point of my long journey in this computer world and my whole life.

    I already known : C,basic Html and CSS a bit..
    Now learning : C++, JavaScript, Discrete Mathematics.
    Want To Learn : Advance Web Design , Visual c# , Java , Python ,Lisp , P hp , Asp.net , and many more I will update this frequently.
    Now Reading: Over The Top by Zig Ziglar

    Wahaha Posing Baik Pnyerr

    Sunday, May 22, 2011
        haha.kadang2 aku rse cam nak tergelak tgk manursia2 posing dpn kamera,, ade yg menjadi,, ade yg trlalu memaksa hingga jadi lah sepertinya yg dibawah ni haha....


        haha,,,,kepada yg berkenaan,,saya minta maaf byk2 haha..!!

    Fat Guy Scared To Death( funny lol!)

    Saturday, April 16, 2011
         Watch this dude..haha..i don't know it is fake or real,,but this video is worth to watch haha..

    Menutup Aurat tpi Berdosa..eh yeke berdosa

    Thursday, April 7, 2011
       Aku ni, bukannya alim sgt pon..tpi sbg umat Islam yg prihatin..aku nak you all  semua tgk and fikirkan..Btul ke, ni caranya nak nutup aurat..Atau ni saje nak memperlekehkan peraturan pemakaian Islam..!hah Answer me haha.....

     Xnak tgk,,xnak tgk..wahhh kak..ce tgk cermin..tgk belakang kak ,,jgn asik tgk depan je..jgn asik btulkan makeup dgn tudung je!!Walawehh                                               

    Kak,,jgan pkai bju singkat2 kak..x sopan bdk kecik nengok



    Beberapa syarat pakaian Muslimah (jilbab):

    Jilbab mempunyai beberapa syarat tertentu,sebaimana dijelaskan oleh Syeikh Muhammad Nasharuddin Albani dlm bukunya,”Hijabul Maratil Muslimah Fil Kitabi was Sunnah” yaitu:-

    1. Menutup seluruh badan, selain yg dikecualikan

    2. Tidak ada perhiasan pada pakaian itu sendiri.

    3. Kain yg tebal tidak tembus pandang

    4. Longgar dan tidak sempit

    5. Tidak menyerupai pakaian lelaki

     Wahh haha..ni ada video best kat youtube hehe...

    Ahli Silap Mata Yg Terpotong Kepala Istrinya

    Monday, April 4, 2011

        Kesalahan Teknikal Semasa Pertunjukan Silap Mata!! Sapa percaya Magic ni btul2 Ada,,so tgkla video ni..Kesian dia,,bru 3 bln kawin.


    Wahh!! Makcik ni tgh buat ape ni?

    Wahh,, Cuba tgk Makcik ni..Harap je bertudung tpi main nombor ekor haha.. Ok skrg aku nk tnya? Berapa percent kah chance untuk Makcik ni bukan beragama Islam?? Haiyoo Brp2??

    Pop Pilate(by Casey Ho): Exercise You Must Try

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

     When I was browsing for a workout video on YouTube,,i finally found a good one..This workout is call pop Pilate, and the instructor is the most bubbly you will ever find, her name is Casey Ho,Enjoy and live a healthy life!

    Abs Workout

    Upper Body and Arms Workout

    Butt Workout

    Leg And Thigh Workout

    Facebook Bala Akhir Zaman? Betul Ke!

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

           Hai sahabat2 ku yang tercinta..Hari ni saya nak share sikit satu video tentang seorang imam yang berkhutbah tentang facebook. Dia cakap Facebook ni bala akhir zaman,,emm betul ke. Before you comment better sahabat2 tgk dulu video khutbah die ni..then saya akan kasi pendapat saya, tak kesahla sahabat2 nak setuju ke tak kan tentang pendapat saya nanti, sebab yang namanya manusia berakal kita diciptakan untuk berfikir, so masing2 ksila pendapat masing2, tpi ksila pendapat sahabat2 dengan elok,jangan kita saling caci memaki,kan kan... Ok enjoy!


            Pencipta facebook memang orang yahudi, tapi si Mark Zuckerberg ni ade niat ke nak hancurkan rumah tangga orang  time die cipta facebook , saye  rase tak. So, janganlah kite asik salahkan yahudi. Sebab tak semua yahudi zionist, betul tak? Cuba dulu time Islam di cap terrorist,Islam dianggap agama yang sukakan keganasan, tapi faktanya? X semua orang Islam terrorist kan.. samela jugak macam yahudi. 

           Tapi ape yang Imam ni cakap betul jugak. Facebook ni boleh buat rumah tangga runtuh, sbb die? sbb ape yang tadi imam tu cakapla..Tpi macam tula, kadang2 bnde nie ade kekurangan ade gak kebaikannya..Tpi kekurangan itu seharusnya diatasi oleh akal manusia,,dah tau ada istri nak prg menggatal dgn perempuan lain tu apehal hehe?Cuba facebook buat sistem macam ni, contohnyela Ali buat relationship status dgn Angel, so ape yang Angel ni buat kat facebook , Ali akan tau, dan begitu juga sebaliknya..hehe idea yang pelik tapi munasabah menerut sayalah.

           Ni satu lagi, betul sangat2 ape yang Imam ni ckp, kadang ade seorang perempuan ni bertudung, tapi time kat pic FB, ade plak gmbr die yang tak bertudung. So diorang ingat x pakai tudung dalam FB ni x haramla huhu yeke? walaupun cuma gambar tapi tetap dianggap aurat sahabat2, mungkin yang tengok dkt fb akan tgk rambut seorang perempuan tu lebih lame, dari orang yang di luar. So ape2 pon yang sahabat2 nak cakap, saya akan katakan tetap jugak haram!!

            Emm, ni satu lagi yang Imam ni tekankan. Suka menunjuk2 kat FB,,kalau boleh semua yang org tu ade nak ditunjuknya kat FB, ni dah dikira dosa sebab bersifat sombong. Apelagi yang dekat page2 MLM, perghh kalau ade kete 12, Duabelas2 kete dia nak tunjuknya. Taula kaye kan, niat die pon sebenarnye nak ajak orang ikot bisnes MLM die, supaya orang lebih yakin!! Tapi,sekaya2 nya orang kat Malaysia ni, masih banyak lagi orang2 yang lebih kaya kat luar sana. Janganlah Sombong. Boleh ke drive kete2 tu nanti kat akhirat hehe..

            Sebenarnya, apa yang tak baik tu boleh di elak sahabat, itu semua bergantung kepada manusia itu sendiri, nak yang baik ke atau nak yang buruk. Allah kan kasi kita akal untuk kita berfikir.Tapi jangalah sampai nafsu pulak yang mengusai akal!!


    Malaysia and Indonesia:Membongkar Punca dan Sebab Bergaduh??

       Article dibawah ini bukanlah propaganda, tetapi sebuah penjelasan dan teori untuk memperjelaskan apakah sebenarnya masalah kedua negara ini bergaduh, dan apakah puncanya.

           Malaysia dan Indonesia adalah negara berjiran seperti yang anda semua tahu, bahasa pun nak hampir sama, tapi kenapa dua negara ni selalu je bergaduh.  Persoalan pertama adalah, apa punca pergaduhan dua negara ini. Seperti yang banyak orang tahu, negara yang berjiran selalu mempunyai masalah tentang sempadan wilayah negara . Tetapi kalau itu permasalahannya, justru Singapuralah yang lebih sering menceroboh batas sempadan ini. Tapi kenapa Malaysia??

         Ok, pertama pertama  saya ingin tekankan bahwa apa yang saya akan bahas di sini bukanlah fakta, tapi teori yang diberikan oleh guru saya dari Indonesia. Saya cuma ingin berkongsi dan mendapatkan pendapat dari pembaca - pembaca semua.

         Pergaduhan Indonesia dan Malaysia ini telah wujud sejak tahun 1959 lagi, saat itu Presiden pertama Indonesia, Soekarno menyatakan bahwa Malaysia adalah negara boneka British, dan patut dimusnahkan, dari situlah timbul slogan 'Ganyang Malaysia'. Indonesia membantah sekeras-kerasnya pembentukan negara Malaysia , disebabkan tidak setuju dengan diiktirafnya negara Malaysia dalam PBB, Indonesia membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan PBB. Tetapi kemudiannya bergabung semula, setelah berdiplomasi.

           Setelah itu, hubungan kedua ini mulai baik. Pada masa awal-awal kemerdekaan Malaysia, Indonesia telah banyak berjasa kepada Malaysia, kerana dulunya mereka menghantar guru - guru ke Malaysia untuk mendidik bangsa Malaysia. So, sejak bila dua negara ini mula bergaduh?

           Isu pertama adalah tentang pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan, dua pulau yang dulunya kepunyaan Indonesia diberikan kepada Malaysia oleh Mahkamah Antarabangsa, kerana Malaysia lebih banyak menyumbang kedalam pemeliharaan kedua pulau tersebut.
            Kemudian isu yang sama terjadi, kali ini terhadap pulau Ambalat, dan ini membuatkan Indonesia marah, kerana tidak mahu peristiwa yang sama berulang.

            Kemudian, isu Kepemilikan Hak BATIK, Malaysia mengklaim bahawa Batik adalah kepunyaan Malaysia, tapi benarkah begitu?
        THE THEORY

             Sekarang saya akan membahas, teori yang dibuat oleh seorang guru saya semasa di Indonesia,

           Indonesia dan Malaysia, adalah dua negara yang mempunyai penduduk Islam terbanyak di dunia. Kekuatan ini sangat menakutkan negara-negara zionis sekiranya dua negara ini bersatu. Mereka akan melakukan apa cara sekalipun, untuk merenggangkan hubungan kedua negara ini.
            Pertama, dari penyerahan pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan kepada Malaysia, seperti yang kebanyakan orang tau, PBB hanyalah sebuat boneka zionist yang kebanyakan ahli - ahlinya adalah orang - orang zionist. Saya tekankan disini bahawa zionist bukanlah yahudi( akan saya bahas di article lain perbezaan zionist dan yahudi ), zionist mebawa fahaman zion, bukan fahaman yahudi.

           Kemudian, timbul pula isu Ambalat. Mungkin orang - orang Malaysia tidak berapa tahu tentang isu ini, disebabkan media massa tidak terlalu megheboh- hebohkannya. Tetapi di Indonesia, isu ini menjadi perbualan mulut ramai orang.Kerana media massa terus menerus membahas isu ini. Guru saya cakap, orang Indonesia senang di provokasi. Dengan diheboh2kannya isu ini, orang Indonesia akan menjadi sangat benci terhadap Malaysia.

            Kemudian, timbul isu paling kontroversial diseluruh alam hehe..BATIK. Batik juga tidak diklaim sendiri oleh Malaysia, tetapi dicadangkan oleh UNESCO.Seharusnya kepemilikan Batik bukan diserahkan atas nama negara, tapi atas nama bangsa, yaitu bangsa Melayu.

            Menurut logik akal, negara yang patut dibenci oleh Indonesia, bukanlah Malaysia. Tetapi Singapura, kenapa? Pertama, Singapura pernah membuang sampah-sampah toksik ke Sumatera, Indonesia. Kedua, Singapura melindungi pelaku - pelaku rasuah Indonesia. 

              Tetapi, kenapakah Malaysia yang di benci? Sebab, Singapura bukan negara Islam. Permusuhan antara Indonesia dan Malaysia akan membuat negara Zionist tersenyum.Pesan Guru Saya, janganlah kita buat mereka tersenyum!



    The Last Milk

    Saturday, February 5, 2011


        Before i begin my story, i just want to say that, the content of my blog is general. Everything in my daily life that caught my interest, will be post in this blog so that I can share it with you. And also thank you for spending my time in my blog.

       This story is about  two monkey and some human. It is a true story, and a good story to.

       If you come to a typical Malaysian village, the chance for you to see a coconut tree is very high. Some of the villagers use the coconut as a source of income. They sell the coconut milk, or sometimes the coconut juice. 
       The greatest enemy for this business is monkey!. Monkey love to eat coconut, so for the people who are  doing this business and to avoid lost of profit, they don't want their coconut to be eaten by monkey. But how? this might seem cruel, but it's the fact. They kill the monkey!!,HOW? some by shooting it, some by setting trap, but what ever the style, it is cruel.

       One day, one of my uncle's  friend when to check his coconut tree. And find out that there's a monkey in one of his tree.The monkey was facing backward so we didn't know what the monkey is actually doing. 
        First,my  uncle's friend release a shot through the air, to scare the monkey.We wait, and wait. But the monkey didn't not move. So, he decided to shoot the monkey.

        He aims at the monkey's head, after feeling confident with his aim. He shoot the monkey without hesitation. The bullet crack the monkey's head, but miraculously, the monkey did not fall like all of the  monkey that have been shot.

        We were silent for a moment, the head-shot should deliver a direct kill so that the monkey didn't suffer for its death. So we wait, and wait, and wait and at last the monkey did fall.
        But what caught our attention is that, there's a baby monkey. And then we realize what had happened. The monkey is giving her last milk to her baby. She fight for her last inch of breath, just to make sure her baby get the last of her milk.

        After that incident, we never saw the baby monkey again.


      Do you have other interesting story,please share it with us..Thank you for reading.


    MLM:How They Attract You and What They Don't Want You to Know

    Friday, February 4, 2011
    What is MLM?

       Maybe some of you don't know what MLM is, so before explaining about MLM strategy on how to attract people, it is better for me to explain what MLM is? Basically the MLM system is simple, they use the rule of multiplying. First, you have to become a member, then you sell the company product and then you have to find more member to receive commission. 

    I will show you how these MLM agent attract you to become a member, in a story mode for you to better understand.Whether you want to believe it or not, just give me your opinion.All critic toward this article will be accepted with open heart.

    The STORY..

       One Day, a friend call you and ask you to meet up with him/her. When both of you meet up, he/ she will show you some product from a company. Then he/she will talk and talk about the goodness of the product, he/she will show you picture and testimony from people that have try to use the product. Then, the interesting part. He/ She will attract you with words like 'income with a lot of money',' less time for work' and many more. Then, you will ask how? by this moment he/she will be very happy,you might not notice that  you have fall into the trap, but believe me you have! Some MLM agent will directly show you how, but some will ask you to come for a seminar, no matter how the method is, all the instruction are mostly the same. You have to find more member and ask them to buy their product.

       So, just take the situation where you have to go to a seminar . You will be ask by your friend to come to a seminar, he/she will say that if he/she explain it here you might not understand. So he/she will ask you to choose your date, he/she will also ask to be quick because the seat are limited.But believe me, I have been in this situation, even though they say it's limited but they are not totally full. You have been cheated, SEE! you have been cheated!!!!. 

       Once you have seated, there is no way you can go out.You have fall into the biggest trap of all. And the brainwash will start here..
       First, the MC will talk on some introduction,bla bla bla.He will always says congratulation for being here, because you have been selected by god or by destiny or whatever, and the MC will say that you all are the lucky one and deserve to be successful.The MC will add something like this is your beginning to success. He/She will give every positive word he/she can to make you feel positive about this program and also curious.

      Then the MC will call the speaker, here is the part that i hate the most. Usually the MC will call the speaker names after he/she have stated how much income this speaker have in a month this speaker earn and also what type of car or house or anything this speaker own. You will feel a bit jealous,yes a bit jealous, don't deny me that.To make you jealous is actually the reason why, they talk about all of wealth the speaker have. At this point, your greed for money have nearly conquer you or for some people have totally been conquered.

      How They Do It?How They Attract You So Fast?

      It's simple, because human are easily attract to money. Most of people on earth want to have a lot of money right? In the seminar or in the company book, most of the DIGITS will be colored in red,bold and enlarge. And you will find this NUMBERS repeated again and again. To brainwash your brain they start with The rule of Continuity.

    What is the Rule of Continuity?

      If we repeatedly doing thing, for example math question. If we keep practicing, the chance for you to make a mistake is lesser than the first time you did the question. Because your brain had stored the memory inside.That's why practice make perfect.But what happen if we keep listening or seeing thing, the answer is you will like it. That's why big companies spend million and million of dollars for commercial. So that people know and love their brand.

      So after you have repeatedly seen the NUMBERS,you will love it, you will feel the greed of having or earning such kind of money.

                           A Lot of Money + Fast + Less Work = What Most Human Want

      But is it enough to attract people, actually no?because money is not everything right?After stating about the income, here are the basic nature of human. Human are lazy and not patient. So money alone is not enough, but making a lot of money fast and by doing less work is what most of the people want.So they will also repeatedly tell you that people can achieve a specific amount of money in the less amount of time, but you don't have to do a lot of work. For example, you will be asked to find only 4 people then the 4 people will fine more peoples,thats how you get your commission.Some even ask you to find as much people as you can, but as you see, all of them will ask you to find as much people to become a member.

        Emotional Attack

       They will also attack you with emotional. For example, they will talk about the life without financial problem, the will talk about becoming a young millionaire, they will talk about repaying your parent, and many more.The reason is to make you feel more passionate to join the MLM company.

        Then they will say to you that you will be regret if you don't join this program, they will also make you feel guilty if you do not join this company. They will say that chance come and leave, you take it or leave it. By this, the chance of for you not to join this program is very little.

    Thinks You Need To Know About MLMs..

    • They will ask you to select a few membership package, if you pay more attention, you will see that all of them are confusing but because the NUMBERS are bold, enlarge, and highlighted you will only be interested in the NUMBERS.
    • The Times: "The Government investigation claims to have revealed that just 10 per cent of Amway's agents in Britain make any profit, with less than one in ten selling a single item of the group's products."
    • Scheibeler, a high level "Emerald" Amway member: "UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO [Independent Business Owners] population of 33,000, 'only about 90 made sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business.' That's a 99.7 percent loss rate for investors."
    • Newsweek: based on Mona Vie's own 2007 income disclosure statement "fewer than 1 percent qualified for commissions and of those, only 10 percent made more than $100 a week."
    • Business Students Focus on Ethics: "In the USA, the average annual income from MLM for 90% MLM members is no more than US $5,000, which is far from being a sufficient means of making a living (San Lian Life Weekly 1998)"[23]
    • USA Today: "While earning potential varies by company and sales ability, DSA says the median annual income for those in direct sales is $2,400."In an October 15, 2010 article, it was stated that documents of a MLM called Fortune reveal that 30 percent of its representatives make no money and that 54 percent of the remaining 70 percent only make $93 a month. The article also states Fortune is under investigation by the Attorneys General of Texas, Kentucky, North Dakota, and North Carolina with Missouri, South Carolina, Illinois, and Florida following up complaints against the company.
    • MLMs will always says that nowadays to find job is hard. So MLM is the solution. This is why student are the prime and the most easiest target of all.

    What MLM don't want you to know.

      Have you ever thought about this. What happen if the amount of member is increasing, but the amount of consumers is decreasing( for example, a weight loss product will have consumer from people who have weight problem,the amount of consumer will get less and less because not every one have weight problem right?only some percentage of people. So when one of them use the product, the percentage of the target consumer is decreased, just imagine 10 to 100 of new consumer every day, how fast  the amount of people with weight problem that is not using the product is decreasing. So your target consumer is rapidly decrease). What will happen??Just ask yourself.And find the answer.

      Maybe some of you does not understand what I have said above. So, here I will do for you some mathematical calculation for you to observe.


       An MLM E learning Company:

    The Target Consumer is student from the age of 7 to the age of 18 or 21.

    If a country have a population of 30 million how much of them will be in the range of age 7 to 21.
    Just pretend it is 10 million.
    The product cost 1000  a year ( what ever currency it is, it's not a problem)
    Just imagine 70% of the target consumer use this product. So they will be a revenue of 7Billion.
    A lot Money!! but here is the catch,it is a lot for  1000 or 5000 people. But to get that kind of user the MLM company need to have a lot of member.
    Just imagine a MLM agent,find 2 members a month,then the next month the two new members will find two more new members,in a year the amount of member is 2 power of 12 is 4096, but remember this a lot MLMs ask you to find at least 4 new member, so 4 the power of 12 is 16 million plus.
    If you use your brain you will see the weakness of this system.This system will benefit the early one and the pioneer of the company, you help them rich!!One More thing, usually most consumer want to be a member of the MLMs.So basically the amount of members is nearly equal to the amount of user, in this case because children is the consumer, the member is their parent.